About the Author

Holly Akins, BulletProof Writing Services

Holly Akins, BulletProof Writing Services

BulletProof Writing Services’ founder, Holly Akins, started off in the business world as a bookkeeper at a small business. She specialized in working with rental property groups, property management companies, and medical practices. During her fifteen years as a bookkeeper, she developed an appreciation for local businesses and individuals who dream big. Holly saw firsthand how her skills can make a difference for start-ups and family-owned businesses. But although she loved the companies and clients she worked with, Holly didn’t love working with numbers all day, every day.

After spending the day crunching numbers, Holly would spend all night reading or writing and eventually decided to change careers. However, she still had a heart for independent, local businesses. She still wanted to use her skills to support their missions. And so, the idea for BulletProof Writing Services came to be. Holly founded BulletProof in 2020 as a way to combine the two things she is most passionate about: reading good books and supporting small businesses.

Holly was a philosophy major at the University of Richmond and is now a graduate of the Proofreading Academy, the Poynter Institute, and Proofread Anywhere with a certification in general proofreading: theory & practice. She is a member of ACES: The Society for Editing, the Editorial Freelancers Association, the Freelancer’s Union, and Distributed Proofreaders as well as a volunteer contributing proofreader for Project Gutenberg.

For more information about Holly and BulletProof Writing Services, please visit usebulletproof.com.